Product Liability

Product Liability

Defective products can cause serious injuries or worse. Product manufacturers and sellers that put profits before safety, put us all at risk of injury or possibly worse. If you were hurt or a loved one was killed by a product, you may be owed money under Indiana product liability law.

Under the Indiana Product Liability Act, individuals injured by defective products can be entitled to recover damages against that defective product’s manufacturers and sellers, within the statute of limitations. There are three primary ways to hold the manufacturers and sellers liable in Indiana: (1) under the Indiana Product Liability Act; (2) under the Indiana Uniform Commercial Code’s implied warranties; and (3) under breach of express warranties.

Injuries from unreasonably dangerous products usually occur because of: (1) a design defect; (2) a manufacturing defect; or (3) a failure to warn the user about foreseeable harm.  Unreasonably dangerous product manufacturers and sellers can be responsible for damages such as: (1) pain and suffering;  (2) physical impairment; (3) disfigurement; (4) medical expenses; (5) lost wages; (6) lost earning capacity; (7) loss of enjoyment of life; (8) property damage; and (9) possibly other damages you’ve suffered.

Defective product victims are entitled to recover the damages they suffered and will suffer in the future under Indiana law.  You generally have one shot at a fair recovery. Personal Injury Lawyer Dave Cox is dedicated to victims of defective products and making sure they’re paid fair and just compensation for their losses. If you need a personal injury lawyer, please call Cox Law Office at (219) CALL-COX -- (225-5269) -- or you can request a case evaluation here at